Paul's travels this week take him to the western part of Canada where he took some time in Edmonton for hockey site-seeing...not too difficult to find in Canada. He called to say it was damn cold...-15 yesterday -- (celsius). This metric system is annoying, making one family member, especially the writer of this blog, wish she paid more attention to that lesson in grade school.
I've written in the past (click here) about how confusing it was when we first moved to Montreal when it came to buying milk. I had n...
About this blog...
Welcome to the Pisani Family Canadian Adventure blog. We moved to Montreal in October 2008 -- just as the financial crisis hit the fan in Canada. We like to think of ourselves as breath of fresh air in Canada rather than being linked by time to the turbulent economy. After ten years in Naperville, Illinois, and many other places before that, this blog communicates what's up with the fam and the crazy dog Duke Urlacher (now known as Duke Gretzky), things we're learning in Canada and the differences between the two countries, shared by a very long border. So close, yet so far away in many ways. We try to add humor to our blog entries, because, well, we like to laugh. We like jokes, funny You Tube videos and good commercials. We apologize for some of the language...we sometimes let "bad" words fly. However, we're finding that cuss words in French, or with a French accent, sound so much better. IF YOU WANT TO REACH US BY EMAIL...kish.pisani AT GMAIL DOT COM.
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