October 31, 2008

Moving day....not!

Canadians are actually very prompt people, when it's not a holiday, weekend or lunch hour. That said, our delay in moving is due to a scheduling conflict with the US movers and our household items remain someplace in New York. While we would like to get things unloaded on Sunday, we can't because customs is closed. Yes, you have to go through customs with a semi-full of everything you own and basically swear you didn't just buy a plasma TV, appliance, etc. the day before you moved -- because of course they want to collect the taxes those items if you do some shopping.

So today (Friday) we need to move out of our rental home and into a hotel and wait for our truck on Monday. (Duke will be going to a "dog camp" in the country for the weekend since we couldn't find a hotel to take an 85 pound lab). Hopefully the TV will be unloaded and hooked up before Tuesday night so we can watch the election returns from north of the border. It should be interesting. Canadians are just as tired of the coverage as the US at this point. 

The weather here seems to be cooperating for Halloween after a blast of cold air this week, which made us realize winter is on the way. The sudden change prompted a trip to Wal-mart for some hats and mits (as they call mittens) since Kish thought the moving truck would have already arrived.  The kids will trick or treat at our new, freshly painted, empty home tonight. 

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