May 2, 2010

Holy Hockey!

It's a beautiful, warm Sunday in Montreal and 90% of the residents are inside watching the Montreal Canadiens play the Pittsburgh Penguins today. Around here, hockey is more of a religion than a sport. No joke.

One of Danielle's friends suggested an interesting Facebook group where the following prayer is posted, very appropriate on a Sunday when very few Canadian Catholics go to church anyway...

Our Father, who art in Bell Centre
Hockey be thy Name
Thy will be done
the Cup be Won
on ice as well as in the Stands. 

Give us this day our Hockey Sticks
and Forgive us our Penalties. 
As we Forgive those who Cross-Check against us
Lead us not into Elimination and 
Deliver us to Victory.

In the name of the Fans, Lord Stanley and the Holy Halak! Amen

Since I like to include images in these posts, just for the heck of it I entered a google images search for Hockey Rosary Beads and believe it or not...this appeared.

Yes, it's a rosary with beads shaped like hockey pucks. For more religious hockey items, click

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