September 15, 2010

"I'm almost fluent" word of the day 9.15

Fall is in the air here in Montreal. Since we just got the air conditioning fixed this week, it's only appropriate that we don't need that any longer and we walk by the thermostat tempted to turn on the heater. Fall brings with it that feeling of knowing we will soon be eating lots of warm soup and enjoying the famous smells of fall.

Speaking of smells...the word we already know is...


But, did you know that translated it means "rotten pot?" Of course we know it's really a scented mixture of dried flowers and spices or a miscellaneous group or collection. So next time you walk into a home and smell potpourri, I dare you to complement the host(ess) by saying, "Gee, I like the smell of your rotten pot."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Potpourri is a weird word come to think of it! I mean, "pourri" is not usually a good thing.

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