August 26, 2010

"I'm almost fluent" word of the day 8.26

Today's word of the day...

eau de toilette  

Which translates to "toilet water." Obviously, toilet in this context is not the same as the commode, but instead is a mellow perfume.

Speaking of real toilet water and all things about that Dr. Laura? She's not well liked in Canada whatsoever. Canadians are cool about free speech and all. Seriously, they can even yell in Parliament.  But that Dr. way. Zero tolerance. They had that hag broadcaster banned from the Canadian airwaves in 2000. Seems Canadians could not tolerate her discriminatory rants way back then. Seriously, it was the Canadian Broadcast Standards office that said she was "abusively discriminatory" and her views "fertilized" the ground for brutality.

I tend to agree. Seems I'm feeling more Canadian each day.

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